ALL orders are shipped via USPS Priority Mail.
Immediately after your order has been placed, a confirmation email with your order number is automatically sent to the email that you entered in at checkout.
If you did not recieve a confirmation email, there could've either been a typo made when the email was entered in at checkout, or it could be in your email's spam mailbox.
7-10 BUSINESS DAYS (business days:mon-fri) after you receive your confirmation email, your order will be shipped and you will receive an email with your TRACKING information!
Business days do not include SATURDAY-SUNDAY.
All products are HANDMADE by the creator, Christina ; thank you in advance for your patience & support.
Because all orders are shipped via Priority Mail, they should only be in transit for 2-3 days (unless USPS is experiencing delays!)
Q: Can you combine my orders?
A: Orders placed separately will be shipped separately.
Q: One of my orders arrived but the other did not. Can you update me on the status of my other order?
A: Orders placed separately will be shipped separately. You will receive your tracking information 1-7 BUSINESS days after the order is placed.